CTA Compliance & Reporting Solutions
Practice Area
Estate & Gift Tax
Asset Protection Planning
Citizenship & Tax Residency
Entity Maintenance Program
​Teeple Hall – CTA Compliance Solutions
We recognize the onus that the CTA and its reporting requirements place on Reporting Companies, many of which are small businesses that may find compliance with the CTA burdensome due to its monetary cost and reporting complexities. With many accounting firms choosing not to offer CTA reporting services, there is a potential “gap” in professional advice that many small businesses may encounter.
Simple Entity Structures
For Reporting Companies with simple ownership and management structures, we have developed proprietary software allowing clients to collect, categorize, submit FinCEN reports, and maintain audit trails of a Reporting Company’s FinCEN compliance for a modest annual fee.
For More Information Visit CTAPortal.us.
Complex Entity Structures
For Reporting Companies with complex and nuanced ownership and/or management structures and Reporting Companies associated with complex trust and estate planning structures, we have developed a number of “tiered” monitoring programs, similar to our Entity Maintenance Program, to advise Reporting Companies on mapping reporting details and to assist Reporting Companies on executing on their CTA reporting requirements. We refer to this suite of services as our CTA Monitoring Program (“CTAMP”). Given that the CTA reporting requirements are not mandated on a static, recurrent filing basis, but are rather dynamic in nature and require constant monitoring across an array of inputs and factors, our CTAMP services provide a useful tool to certain Reporting Companies to monitor a range of activities that may give rise to dynamic and updated CTA reporting.
Tier Checklist Graph:

[1] Note: As stated in the Corporate Transparency Act, the reporting company shall, at all times, be responsible for ensuring all information submitted to FinCEN is true and accurate.
[1] Note: For avoidance of doubt, Teeple Hall, LLP will only submit BOI reports to FinCEN on behalf of Tier 3 clients and their reporting companies.
To learn more about Teeple Hall's CTA Compliance and Advisory services, please click here.
NOTICE: Teeple Hall, LLP provides legal advice regarding CTA compliance matters only on an express, written retained basis expressly identifying the Reporting Company and the applicable reporting period. The legal obligation of fulfilling the CTA reporting requirements is the express liability of the Reporting Company.

To learn more about the CTA and its BOI reporting requirements, please refer to the following:
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) I IACA
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting I FinCEN
BOI Small Business Compliance Guide
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting I FinCEN .gov
Brief Overview of Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting | FinCEN
Webinar: Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements | FinCEN
BOI Initial Reporting Filing Deadline | FinCEN
FINCEN BOI Reference Materials